In that era, homes for nurses were often built near hospitals for several practical reasons:
Immediate Access to Patients: Proximity to the hospital allowed nurses to respond quickly to patient needs, especially during emergencies.
Clinical Experience: Being close to the hospital provided ample opportunities for hands-on clinical experience and observation. Nurses could easily assist with patient care, learn from experienced doctors and nurses, and gain practical skills.
Supervision and Mentorship: Close proximity facilitated close supervision and mentorship from hospital staff. Experienced doctors and nurses could readily guide and instruct the trainee nurses.
Efficiency: Having nurses reside near the hospital streamlined patient care and improved communication between hospital staff and the nursing trainees.
The end of World War II and rationing brought gaiety and galas to the facility, and in February 1946, residents of the home hosted a Valentine’s Day party for hospital staff. Specifically mentioned in news accounts were single nurses Judy Kelly, Ardelle Thompson, Sue Posey, Mary Ann Wolf, Celeste Mrozin, Mary Jane Collins, Hazel McCaghren, and Maxine Cox. Over the years, the elegant facility also housed quarterly meetings of the District 13 Alabama State Nurses Association, as well as providing a venue for various other social functions.
As transportation became more readily available, the need for a nurses’ dormitory lessened. By the turn of the 21st Century, the Frank Perry Nurses Home was utilized mainly by the hospital’s radiology department.
After the opening of North Alabama Medical Center, the City of Florence made the controversial decision to raze most of the old hospital campus, including the nurses home. The plans were rapidly implemented before most citizens knew that the beautiful structure was to be lost forever. One hasty effort at preservation was barely underway before the bulldozers began to level the facility in March 2019.
The property where Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital and Frank Perry Nurses Home once stood was quickly sold to Joel Anderson Jr. for construction of a mixed-use development. As of February 2025, the land is dotted with preparations for new infrastructure.
It’s sad to reflect that no one had the vision to incorporate such a beautiful structure from the past into a design of the city’s future.
Bette Favor Terry holds a B.A. in History
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