Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent who dramatically tried, but failed, to stop the assassination of John Kennedy in Dallas, died on February 21st, at the age of 93. His passing brought to mind that six months earlier in 1963, some of Hill’s fellow agents had been in Muscle Shoals.
Kennedy was scheduled to speak at the TVA Fertilizer Development Center on May 18th. His visit was preceded by a group of Secret Service agents who personally scanned and mapped every inch of the facility’s administrative offices and the surrounding areas.
TVA employees with established security clearances were assigned to assist these agents who were characterized as young, more bucks than Turks. One such agent soon took an interest in the secretary designated to assist him.
It seemingly didn’t deter the young agent that his assigned companion, described as an Olivia de Haviland lookalike, was four years married. The agent vigorously pursued the secretary who was said to have expertly deflected his attentions.
At one point, the agent asked the native Alabamian the name of the State capitol. The young woman quickly replied, “Montgomery.”
The agent laughingly admitted that he was disappointed. His knowledge of the state was not broad, and he had so wanted to hear his would-be lady love say “Birmenham.”
After Kennedy’s speech, the Secret Service agents quickly left TVA. The secretary later related that she did see her admirer one last time. Television news showed the young man walking silently by Kennedy’s horse-drawn caisson on November 25th.
Bette F. Terry holds a B.A. in history from UAH